it seems that the aptly dubbed ''hangin' wednesday'', or chillin' in the middle, or even manning with the midweek, is the best time to do nothing but wake up early with a headache and worsen it somewhat with silly-good music.
the problem with listening to really good new music is that it often keeps me to silly-o-clock on urges and whims to do something creative. the other problem is leaving half of my equipment at falmouth for obvious transports reasons, and the very core of my creative output is done through my scanner and computer, both of which are in my flat. until then... photos of the week ''study'' trip to london.
a to g: reflective surface somewhere in london; awesome old-fashioned coffee shop scouted out by one j. hurley and d. slice; generator hostel interior light; cheap sandwich/tinny time to combat silly london prices; drinks w/ illustrators; wonderful ceiling.
though frustrations and bitterness of that cursed city aside, it was good fun. the agencies and publishers were very interesting and the shenanigans and banter all around was top, top times. as if my fatigue of the city couldn't of been any worse having travelled from falmouth to home, then down to wolves after a brief birthday break, then after that tiring week i was back down south to minehead for all tomorrows parties which was AMAZING. seriously... they know how to put on a fest. highlights include: messy, smoked out chalets with some amazing bellends who i usually only get to see once a year at damnation, early morning SUNNO))) set destroying my eardrums, modest mouse being everything and more than i could of imagined, battles, yeah yeah yeahs, explosions in the sky, many more but my favourite act of the weekend being the hour of distorted, glitchy, trancey noise from the FUCK BUTTONS set. it got a point where my eyes were closed for a good 20 minutes, and then someone behind me pulled my hood down, thus disturbing my lovely little absorbtion. protip: your a cunt.
but anyway, amazing. i wish i could of taken photos, but i'm not sure if i would of been able to find any time between moving about all weekend and having my eyes glued to every single act i watched. just... mindblowing. thanks ATP!
for now: HORSE the band ''a natural death'', eaststrikewest ''w o l v v e s'' (brilliant), converge ''when forever comes crashing'', nihill ''krach'', palehorse ''gee, that ain't swell'', they are cowards ''demo 08'' (as i have it labelled here...), ROME season 1, the dexter finale (holy shit?!) and long, extended dark winter rest. since being at home i have only today got my pencil case out, though tomorrow i have a schedule of work to crack on with, both uni and personal related. cool.
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for some silly reason blogspot wouldn't let me upload this image the normal, conventional way so i've had to fill the photobucket and go that way. not like it's really that important, mind...
occurrence: no country for old men, too much dr pepper, dead lines, sketchbooks, attempted allnighter, fisheye, dead swans ''sleepwalker'', this will destroy you s/t, new dexter, leaving the edge of the world for rear echelon, continuation of the continue...
just a quick one from our deadline today based on a brief entitled quotes. pick a quote from a list of 10, work up some rough ideas on conceptualizing it into a self-descriptive image then produce a final for crit. we've been doing this for 4/5 weeks now - going away and getting out heads around fairly linear briefs and slowly i've been introducing a few more things into each piece of work. not so much this specific final as i was stretched for time and a printer to get the results i wanted, but i'm fairly happy with it anyway. more of these when i unearth them from my desk.
upcoming; last con/think brief, finish up tone/colour work, last life drawing class for the term, progress on book then away from a week in london to visit agencies and industry folk alike, as well as galleries and the like. going early to spend my birthday doing something in the city then hopefulyl going to catch DILLINGER 4 (fuck yes!) then off to bristol, down to minehead for MODEST MOUSE, battles, sunno))), explosions in the sky, yeah yeah yeahs and many, many more. oh yeah, then home. fuck, i'm looking forward to that so much. i need a break so badly, but this month is going to be so busy with some proper class things to do so whatever, let it roll.
a u d i o: architects, *shels. bring me the horizon, junius, converge
ongoing/spare time and/or otherwise. i haven't much to show because everything is amongst my clever filing system of putting things under my desk and not touching them until the end of the year during the mad rush for assessment so that i do not get kicked off the course. here's what i do have.
a to d: i) illustrated book quick mock-up, ii) more full artwork mock-up of centerpiece gate fold image, iii) messing about with some old designs and textures and iv) something for fun, testing my scanner's dpi out.
on the non-pencil related front, falmouth is bastard ace. i have met a right standard amount of blessed folk to swear at and rant amongst. i say amongst and mean at as well as swear but whatever. illustration is tough but fair... much like boot camp. 'nam is tougher but it lacks wednesday afternoons off.
audiophilia: rinoa, bossk, asiwyfa, ghost of a thousand, mum, dallas green, etc.
visions: too many movies, spaced and the wire season five.
above: two out of... five (maybe?) flyers currently in the spin for local band Little Fury (myspace.com/littlefuryuk - go listen). just a little summer project to get me on my feet a little bit, also using this ''brief'' of sorts to try out some ideas and techniques so that they all don't look or feel the same. that's the plan anyway. more on them soon.
kurrently: down; II: a bustle in your hedgerow, battlefield 1943/bad company, battlestar galactica season 1, house of leaves by mark z. danielewski, a bad cough and a rubbish cold, knut: challenger, sorting out finances/awaiting departure for falmouth, getting my head around the epic journey from falmouth to leeds for damnation festival, getting hyped for all tomorrows parties. good and bad times all around.
enough with the cryptic jibber-jabber/deely/dowhat and nonce-sense. this is summer and summer is dull, so here is some recent work. i have little to none motivation for a real time-lapse set of works, though i have plenty of ideas for what i would like to do. i miss having briefs and a fine art teacher to set me on the right track every time i strayed too far from it. hopefully falmouth gets me back into the game in a few months... can't wait.
for now, some random odds and sods from the last few wide-awake early morning 4/5 am doodle sessions. my body clock is broke and i've too much AWESOME music to enjoy instead of sleeping. here are some outcomes.
(i tell a lie... the last image is old, back from when i was putting my falmouth interview portfolio together but i found it amongst a stack of files so what the hell. i like it.)
0309; PrvtShw undrgoing finishing touch or therefore/will/is going underway roughly approx. . 1800 tmrw therebouts. glossy forms peeled and brought back across canvased boards & corners cut for wrong(er) angles than expected otherwiese oscar/ok. continuation for hotterdaynight cycles and motivational sitdowns in noons abve.
1309; spinning disc occurence arriva, ambient glow notified in stiffling condition of hicgrap moor. continuation continues.