Sunday, 20 June 2010


taint + manatees tour... or sporadic dates at least. i wanted to do all howevermany dates there are but alas, time....... still, there you go.

Friday, 11 June 2010

damned extroverts

first year of illustration at falmouth is officially over... bar one tiny little bit of work to catch up on, mind, but otherwise, i'm done.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

inspirations in barren plains: seminar II

a big flyer project is currently underway, hopefully to further my portfolio of gig posters so that eventually i'll have a nice varied body of work to actually promote to bands instead of just sending out random emails to bands that happen to be touring soon. more on this soon, until then... differing directions of influence regarding the direction of this activity. all images property of their respective owner/these are not my own.