above: possible character design for research project and test background prints for said project. as of today these ideas are unchecked by tutors, tomorrow i present my idea and thoughts then go from there. the character is a mock up showing the style i am working my project around. the project itself is entitled the figure within illustration and we have three separate briefs to choose from. mine is based around the seven deadly sins, more specifically anger, and it's counter, patience. hard to see what my idea is just yet, so more on that to come in later days.
settling back nicely to falmouth, gone through the week receiving briefs and grades from class so the ball is now rolling with work to do and bars to raise. had a great week back so far, going to be spending the next few searching for a house and getting these projects up to speed. pictures of the week soon to follow if i get some film developed...
keeping me afloat: friends, falmouth, ham sandwiches, alcohol, radiators and hot towels, hood ''cold house'' and ''outside closer'', themselves ''the no music'', alexisonfire ''watch out!'' and ''crisis'', the draft ''in a million pieces'', the wire season 2, true blood season 2 and the wait for summer...
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